Thursday, August 9, 2007

Summer activities

Wow, I know it has been along time since I wrote. I have been so busy outdoors. Golfing, hiking, camping. I have done some amazing hikes, what a beautiful world our God has made!! My Mom, 71 yrs, came hiking and camping with me for a few days. We hiked up to the Tea house at Lake Louise and did the whole Sunshine circuit. She did awesome! and I am so proud of her!
There is still so much I want to do this summer before fall programs start up. Hikes and camping that are calling my name.
My most recent hike was to Rockbound Lake beside Castle Mountain.........breathtaking!!
My ladies hiking group also did "Hailstorm Butte which was equally breath-taking. I will get pictures up when I have time.
The Brad Jersak Book, "Can You Hear Me" has been a steep curve. There is so much in each chapter that I have had trouble taking it all in. I have included a website that talks about imaginative prayer, that you can try out. That is just the tip of the ice burg when it comes to hearing God. I will post Jersak's site for you to check out as well.
God is speaking to us all the time. Don't you long to hear all he has to say.

How Do We Pray with Our Imagination?

How Do We Pray with Our Imagination?