Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I decided to forward this site to you because I think it is so very important. You may not watch Oprah, and so do not know she is promoting a New Age Religion disguised as Christian based. But perhaps like me you have friends who do and have joined her on-line study of Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose". This link leads to a Christian discussion of the direction of this book and Oprah, pantheism, not Christianity. God is in us and in all things, so in fact we can become god by following certain practices. Christianity in no way says god is us, he is a separate being, as are the Holy Spirit and Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives within us as a teacher and guide.
Tolle does not talk about sin, therefore there is no need for Jesus and nothing for us to be saved from because, we can be god.
It is sad to see Oprah used this way and all of us can be deceived to follow this path, God is very clear about us being sheep. It is so slippery to say that tolerance is of prime importance when there are many things in this world as Christians we must be intolerant of, all kinds of sin and evil. Perhaps what we should be the most intolerant of is deceptions that lead people to an eternity of separation from God and his love. Love the lost, fight the teaching that leads them there.
It is a very clear presentation and I hope you take the time to read or listen to it. It is in 2 parts.

You will note that I deliberately used the small g to talk about this god, because again the bible is very clear, there are many false gods but only one true God.