Monday, February 4, 2008

I'm back

Well, I don't know what happened, do you?

I went back to school and them rather dropped off the web. I am now a TESL teacher. That was tough going back to school at my age. It will be even tougher working! Thank you so much to those who were faithfully praying for me. you made a big difference and pulled me through ( ended up with 96%)

I am back knitting and plan to take some classes to work on tecniques that have become latent and learn new ones. Knitting lace socks and aome gauntlets.

Plans for the wedding are progressing and now my dress shopping must start.

I am doing a Beth Moore study on the friut of the spirit. WOW it is blessing, the videos have spoken to many in our group.

I went snowshoeing for the first time, the snow was pristine, shinning.
That's a quick catch up, more to come.
God is here, waiting for you, He knows where to find you.