Monday, March 16, 2009


I attended the Brier last week and it was amazing. Whoever says that Curling is not an amazing sport of skill, strategy and athletics has not seen it or tried it. Wow it more that fits the bill. Kevin Martin of course, won. His team curled near perfect. Love watching it and leaves me thinking perhaps I should try it out again.

Next week I start back in the work force. 10 years absence! I am nervous of course, not about the job, I feel confident in my skills and it is something I am passionate about, ESL. How to get back to managing my time in an orderly manner? What about all those spur of the moment activities I so enjoy. Hiking, bible study, golf, other volunteer activities I love, knitting, reading. Extending camping trips.

This winter I have been studying Exodus with Precept and of course Moses. He was reluctant to do what God called him to do. Even though he had all the skills required and God's help he still resisted. I feel like him. Give up the old comfortable life and try something new, step up for the next stage. God promised I am with you, who should I say, Moses asks...YAHWEH - I AM. He who is and always has been, I am with you.

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