Thursday, June 7, 2007

Art & Beauty

I was reading a passage in the Exodus where God asked the people to come forward to donate thier possessions and skills as artists to create his temple. What was interesting is that God said he had gifted certain people with great wisdom, intelligence and skills in all kinds of crafts, plus the ability to teach them to others. God said he definitely enhanced these people's abilities to a greater level so their works would inspire others and glorify him.
I think of the many artists works I know or have seen. Some pictures, music and statues definitely are set apart and inspire. Many, many more are just there and are interesting in some way. While art may speak to us at different levels, God's art reaches deep inside of us and shows us something of him.
God, of course, for me, is the original artist. Besides the incredible world around me, in my home is a granite counter. It is stunning, how stone can look like its moving and living; everyday I enjoy its beauty and it imparts to me the glory of its creator.

Exodus 35:31-35
The Lord filled Bezalel ( Ohoiab and other craftsmen) with the Spirit of God, giving them great wisdom, intelligence and skill in all kinds of crafts. They are able to design and create beautiful objects from metals, fabrics, jems and wood......In fact He has given every necessary skill...including the ability to teach others. They excell in all the crafts needed for the work.

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